Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Testing Out: Dead Space Extraction PS3 with Move & Nintendo 3DS SSFIV 3D

Well I tried 4 things, 2 at a time this week. First thing....

So I recently finished Dead Space 2 on my Xbox 360 and completely loved it. But I wanted to give Dead Space Extraction a try, but more so as its basically a rail gun shooter, I thought it would be best done using the PlayStation Move. On top of that, I tried it with the PS Sharp Shooter device released not too long ago. So far as far as the game is concerned, I like the look of the game and the story, but the rail its on is like its all over the place. There are boxes and other pick ups all over the place like in the game to smash and get extra stuff like ammo, text files, and audio files, but the game barely gives you enough time to even try to pick them up. It's like being in the hands of a drunk walking around. It's on rails obviously so controlling where the camera points to is out of my hands but it just doesn't give you enough time. And the delay on the PlayStation Move just doesn't catch up quick enough to capitalize on those fragment moments to get them. Leading into the function of Move, its probably just my setup, but the calibration keeps getting throw off. The game gives you the nice option of doing a recalibrate right in game quickly but it just happens way too often, I find myself calibrating every small break I can get from between Necros rushing me. It would probably be better playing it with the handgun adapter as you have to turn the gun on its side to get the alternate fire since the sharp shooter is rather large.

I'm going to playthrough it because I really like the story of Dead Space, but these little mishaps definitely make it difficult to enjoy it. At $14.99 for the game download, I'm having a difficult time enjoying it as well, but I will finish the game and don't have much doubt that the story will be good. I have been wrong before though.

The second thing I tried out is the Nintendo 3DS and Super Street Fighter IV 3D.....

I've tried Pilotwings Resort and I was actually impressed with it and I've never been a fan of the game in its previous installments but this was a nice change with the 3D element. I know a lot of people have had their own difficulties playing the game with eyestrain and headaches, but I had more headaches playing Dead Space Extraction than the 3DS. Actually, I've had no headaches playing the 3DS honestly, but again, that's just me. As for Super Street Fighter IV 3D, its Street Fighter, we've all played it before, we know what its like so there isn't a lot to say. But I will say I am impressed with the 3D visuals. The depth perception created by the 3D doesn't make you feel like you're playing a new game, but it does make it presentable in a nice fashion. What is nice to note is the 3D persective battles and place you in more of an over the shoulder camera view than just your standard side view. The depth of is nicely done and even as I played someone from Japan, the connection was very smooth over my WIFI here in New York. I have always had a problem with handhelds and I never believe that are ever designed with the vision of comfort in one's hands so holding it kind of problem with a lot the moves from my left controlling the character. The touch screen buttons don't seem as responsive as the normal buttons do as I have the Focus and throw on the left side, and the all punches and all kicks on the right side close to my thumb on my right hand. The touch buttons I have setup to the left are easily compensated by the equivalent button actions of the low buttons for throw and the mids for the focus attack, but the all punches and all kicks don't seem to work so well unless you're spot on with your button timing. Is it a must buy, for any fight fan, I say yes. It looks great, but its not a must buy for you 3DS library.

I hope to try Ridge Racer 3DS soon as I hear that's quite good and I'll bring you my impressions of that later on. Thanks for reading.

- Game On!

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