Saturday, March 26, 2011

Crysis 2 3D: First really awesome 3D game I've played

Crysis 2 3D: First really awesome 3D game I've played

There isn't a large library of 3D video games out right now, and I while I do have Killzone 3 in my backlog of games, I have not played it yet because I'm going to finish Killzone 2 before I get into it. So while I have not played Killzone 3 and it could very well be the best 3D game, but until I get to play that, right now I'll have to say that Crysis 2 is the best 3D game I've played so far. I can understand that many people don't have a 3D television yet and it well with reason as 3D is still rather new and somewhat expensive, but if you do have one and have a PS3, its definitely one worth investing in to enjoy your 3D television. I've only played the first segment of the game in essentially the first chapter but its pretty amazing looking in 3D. The HUD is nicely done, and meshes well with the background of the game much better than Call of Duty: Black Ops did when I tried it in 3D. With Black Ops, the 3D element wasn't that strong and probably didn't get noticed much as so many points were shaken up with explosions and flying debris. Crysis 2 might be the same way later on in the game but the tighten up graphics probably won me over in comparison. The only thing I would love more which is not an 3D element problem is that I wish the map was a little bigger on the HUD as I often miss things, but that's just a game function again.

I haven't gotten much into the story, but this isn't a review of the story, its about the 3D. I haven't seen any "coming at me" moments as of yet, but the depth perception of the game is really nice in 3D making me feel like I'm seeing this through a window then just on a television. Going through the park and buildings as I did in the beginning of the game it really works well and the shadow drops are cool. Even going as far as when you look down and see your own knee that you don't see any other games do really is awesome in 3D just to look at. I mainly play games on my Xbox 360, but Crysis is one I had to get to not just enjoy but see if this 3D television I have is all its cracked up to be. So again, to many people, this may not be a great game, just a good game, but as far as 3D is concerned, its definitely one worth giving a look at through your 3D glasses. This isn't a pitch to make people by 3D televisions, just a good recommendation if you happen to have one.

- Game On!

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