Saturday, March 26, 2011

Sucker Punch: Decent, not great

Sucker Punch: Decent, not great

Love it or hate it, the general idea you may get from people that have reviewed this movie, you'll see most reviewers hated this movie. Now I'll say this, it wasn't a great movie, but it wasn't a bad movie. To just jump right into it, I think most people will enjoy this movie. Being a fan of video games I think helps though as you can see where the movie could be split up to make for a video game. Now I reveal a bit of the premise of the plot in the spoiler but its not really the meat of the story or why this all happens in the scope of how it goes about it, so if you don't want to be spoiled, don't read this part.

Do the hot chicks help? Hell yes they do!! Do the explosions and giant samurais help? Damn straight they do!! Who cares if they are prostitutes and why they are fighting. The premise of the movie is that they are fighting for freedom. The metaphor of why they are fighting I think is cool which in its basic form, "Dancing is a battle". They never say that in the movie, but if you keep that in the back of your mind while you watch this movie, I think you'll enjoy it. They could of put any struggling group in this movie to make the metaphoric link as to why these outrageous magical battles are taking place. Who cares if they are hookers? Seriously, who cares? Certainly I didn't, but it didn't make it a bad movie just because they use the obvious tactics to get people in the seats.

I saw the movie in IMAX, and while IMAX is cool, it really doesn't need to be seen in IMAX. I know there is a 3D version, but I couldn't see many places that it would be used effectively except maybe the train car scene. As a side note, the scene during the credits isn't worth staying for either, so don't feel like you're missing something if you don't stay for the credits. It's a just a dance video basically, nothing referring to the plot. But back to the movie, the movie is about freedom, that's all with a lot of fun parts. If you don't think Grinder from Gears of War when you see the Samurai/Gatling Gun scene and not think its a fun moment, then I don't know what to tell you. The setup of the movie was odd at first because I sat there watching the beginning and just thinking to myself, what the hell does this have to do with cool samurai fighting battles? But once you put that the main point of the metaphor of the movie in your mind as they engage these scenes, it will make you enjoy the movie more.

The bottom line, is it a must see? Not really. I could see people walking out of the theater saying to themselves that they could of waited until it was on DVD or Netflix. Is it worth the $16.00 I paid for to see it in IMAX? No its not really either. But did I enjoy it? Yes I did. I enjoyed The Adjustment Bureau a lot more and that was 28 minutes shorter than this movie, but again, it was a fun movie. Out of the other movies out there, is top of the list? No, its not. The only thing I say to avoid if you go see it, don't bother with the IMAX and you could probably do without the 3D. I think most people will have fun with it.

As for myself, I liked it. It was fun movie.

- Game On!

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