Thursday, January 14, 2010

What have I been playing recently? 01/14/2010

I know I have been gone for some time for those of you so kind of enough to return and periodically check up and see if I've written anything new, but I have returned. As certain events have crossed into my life in the past few months, it has done more than enough to delay my entries here. As I have more time now, I decided I would change up my format a bit to just give a little more of perspective what is going on in my mind as to my world of gaming. A journal is you will. So I'll start this entry off and give you a little idea of what I am playing as of recent and why.

As any avid gamer does, I own all current gen systems. Normally I'm a Xbox 360 player as I've built quite a strong group of friends that I play games normally with. Also I think just about the majority of people can agree that the creation of Xbox 360 Achievements, while not rewarding really at all, have created a strong addiction and I myself have fallen victim to them. But that time has now been introduced in the world of PS3 with their Trophy collection. I am still waiting for the day I can see these trophies in my home space as was promised nearly a year an a half ago, but hey, trophies, achievements, same difference. So I begun to slowly begin my PS3 trophy collecting as well. But more so than that, I realized that I have been neglecting my PS3 for time now and I've really just had the urge to beat some PS3 titles that I have been stocking up in my collection.

Silly as it may sound, the game I have been playing most recently is Buzz! Mainly because I've just been rather tired from working and going to the gym that when I've gotten home, just pressing one button and not yell as some 12 year-old that has nothing better to do than play games all day trash talking me is something I kind of want to avoid after a long day at work, its been fitting. Plus I love trivia games. Not because I'm a know it all, but pretty just learning new things, and finding just exactly how much stuff I don't know. I decided to make a few quizzes of of my own and have found that to be rather addicting as well. If you see any quizzes made by FXH_Mantis, that's me. Feel free to tell me what you think or just let your rating do the talking.

I would classify myself as a bouncing gamer. Meaning I can never really stay concentrated on one game at a time. I'm usually bouncing around from anywhere between 3 to 5 games at once. Besides Buzz!, I find myself playing Tekken 6 on PS3, Darksiders, Assassin's Creed 2, Rock Band 2, and Modern Warfare 2 on my 360, and I have revitalized my PC interest thanks to Steam finding myself playing Team Fortress 2 again. Team Fortress 2 is probably the one that surprises me the most as its a game that been long since forgotten on consoles, but thrives so much still on PC. It's really a shame to me how consoles didn't grasp this game as I have, and I own the Orange Box on my 360. When Orange Box first landed on the 360, I was thrilled in hopes that people would be playing it solidly to this day, but it was left for dead as many other multi-player games suffer on consoles. I guess that's where the difference is in multi-player games between console and PC. Console is always looking for the next big kill. PC keeps it alive. Even to this day people still playing Counter-Strike, Unreal Tournament, even Quake. Koreans for long time still destroy each other end over end in Starcraft. And even though they have not received a sequel in over a decade, they eagerly await its arrival.

Well those are main games I'm playing. I still have so many sitting on my shelf I need to get to. My best friend has been on my case for years to finish Advent Rising, which I'm sure in its day was awesome in its own right but with my old Xbox still acting up every now and then, it makes it a bit rough to play, but I plan to finish it, someday. Hopefully before I completely forget about it. Even another friend of mine has me on the fence about returning to Final Fantasy XI. What great fun I had there. Pity it didn't do as strongly as I had hoped. I will say this, if there is anyone out there has at least 4 of the Xbox 360 Achievements on that game, I applaud you. Hell I'll applaud if you have one. Well, its getting late and I feel like making some more Buzz! quizzes. I'll report in again soon about what else I've been playing and what's in my mind. Thanks for reading.

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