Monday, June 1, 2009


Hello out there all. This is the beginning of a new era for me in my steps forward on getting my opinion of the gaming industry with reviews, opinions, suggestions, accomplishments, bargains, and so on for the business as she continues to grow.

A bit of myself and my own background to start off. I am 31 years old, born and raised on Long Island in good old New York, I am a gamer of course. A definite given for this business I would say. Unfortunately, I am not currently not in the business, though I was a little over 5 years ago. Playing games pretty much all my my life as most gamers these days have, and like many others as well, have always wanted my opinion to really affect games altogether as I just want the business to continue to grow and flourish. Now granted I have been playing games from the dawning of games such as on the system of Intellivision, but I do date back to Atari 2600 and Commandore 64 games, as well as owning every major console except for a Neo Geo (sorry Neo Geo, I was 12 and there was no way my folks were going to buy me a thousand dollar system with two hundred cartridges) and a PC Engine (though I did have the Turbo Graphx 16 but just not quite the same), I feel that not only was I a pretty spoiled kid, but have gained a fairly good amount of knowledge of the business, seen how its changed, and am a huge practitioner of getting the most out of games. After all there are hundreds of thousands of bad games out there over the years, but nothing is worse than seeing a bad game that could of been so great but just were never refined to the greatness that they could of been. Well I started this blog to not only get my voice out there to try to submit my own influence to the business but encourage other gamers and enthusiasts to not only make their mark on the business but help encourage the business's expansion further into greatness.

Well, I don't want to make this too long winded, so to those that may subscribe to my blog, I hope you enjoy it, thank you for supporting it, thank you for reading, and if you have your own gamer blog page, feel free to post it here and link it. I'll try to post as often as possible, and I always appreciate constructive criticism. Enjoy.

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